Yaya Labs is an AI and robotics company based in London and Berlin. We are building a deep, expressive personality protocol for AIs, robots, and avatars, designed to transcend hardware and software boundaries. Our mission is to create a software-agnostic, fully sensory-adaptive system with an ethical core, allowing a singular persona to manifest seamlessly across screens, robots, vehicles, and beyond. Throughout this process, we are developing a suite of tools and applications that harness the technology and insights gained from the development of the Yaya protocol.
Imagine a future where artificial beings have personalities as rich and complex as our own: a world where humans, AIs, and robots coexist in harmony, forming deep, meaningful connections. At Yaya Labs, this isn’t just a vision; it’s our mission. We draw from biomimetics, cybernetics, psychological and esoteric theory to push the boundaries of AI personality, exploring how it can evolve beyond anything we know today.