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About YAYA Labs


YAYA Labs is a creative agency specialising in the realm of robotics and artificial intelligence. We work with cutting-edge technology and world-leading talent to create culturally meaningful and emotionally resonant experiences.


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Our core mission is to drive the conversation around embodied artificial intelligence and the harnessing of AI for the benefit of creators and their audiences. We believe that placing emergent technologies within popular culture is the best way to achieve this.


Our flagship project, ‘Desi,’ is an AI popstar inhabiting a humanoid robot body, powered by SingularityNET and Hanson Robotics.

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YAYA Labs Projects

Wetware Club

A private members club hivemind that provides the human input for AI and robotics projects.

Unlock your true potential

Yaya Labs is a creative agency specialising in the realm of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

Wetware Club

Only token holders gain access to the hivemind.

Learn More

WetWare Club is a private members club hivemind that provides the human input for AI and robotics projects. Holders of the WetWare Club key are able to participate in hive mind projects.


Phase 1

  • TGE
  • Wetware Members Club
  • Project Listings Announced

Phase 2

  • Members Launch Party
  • Wetware hardware device
  • Wetware Club membership mint

Phase 3

  • ⁠Stake your $YAYA
  • "⁠Desi Finds Her Voice" documentary
  • Merchandise
  • ⁠Desi makes music

Phase 4

  • ⁠Community rewards
  • ⁠Desi world tour
  • Connect your mind
  • Release roadmap 3.0
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